3v3 and 4v4 rules (UPDATED: 25 June 2020)

Game Details:

Games will be 30 minutes in length
12 minutes per half with a 5 minute half time.
Referees will be allowed to extend time 1 to 2 minutes per half but no more.
Three players will play on the field for each team. Four may be allowed for the younger divisions.
Substitutions will be allowed at any time like in the sport of Hockey.
For the sake of ensuring playing time referees should pay attention to and ensure that teams are substituting.
In the case of an injury play should stop. The players should be assessed. A substitute should be provided so that additional care can be given.

Kick off

Kick off shall be determined by coin toss, or by rock, paper, scissors.
The kick off shall consist of one player kicking the ball backwards to a teammate at the whistle.
If a goal is scored play shall resume from a kick off.
At half time the team that did not kick off in the first half shall kick off in the second half.

Out of bounds

If the ball goes out of bounds on the sidelines the ball shell change possession and play should resume with a throw-in (or kick-in if determined by the director).
If the ball goes out of bounds on the goal line and the defending team is the last to touch it, the attacking team will receive a kick in from the corner.
If the ball goes out of bounds on the goal line and the attacking team is the last to touch it. The defending team will receive a goal-kick from the top of the goal box.


All players must be on the attacking half of the field for the goal to count.
When one team scores the opposing team starts from the center of the field with a kick-off.
If the ball goes in and bounces out of the goal it still counts.
If the ball glances off of an opposing player the goal still counts.

Goal box

No player is allowed to touch the ball inside the goal box.
If a defender touches the ball inside the box the attacking team receives an indirect free kick from the halfway line.
If the attacking team touches the ball inside of the goal box the defending team receives an indirect free kick from the top of the goal box.
If the ball comes to rest inside of the goal box defending team will receive an indirect free kick from the top of the goal box.

Goal kicks

These are taken from the top of the goal box. The opposing team must be outside of the 8-9 division penalty hashmark. This allows play to start easily and prevents domination by one aggressive team.

Free kicks

A direct free kick is a given to a team which may be shot directly on goal or passed to a teammate.
An indirect free must be passed to another player before a shot can be taken.
The opposing team must stand at least 8 paces away from the ball on any free kick. A free kick will never be closer than 8 paces from the goal box. Referees should back the spot of the foul up to the nearest 8 step distance from the goal-box.


The referee has the right to decide to give advantage to the team that was fouled or to stop the play and grant a free-kick.
If it is a defending player who commits the foul the attacking team will receive a free kick from the spot of the foul. If it is an attacking player who commits the foul the defending team shall receive a free kick at the spot of the foul.
There will be no slide tackling. Any slide tackling will result in a free kick for the attacking team. If a player commits a slide tackle a second time they shall be substituted immediately, but they will not be ejected from the game. If a player slide tackles a third time they will be ejected from the game. With the younger kids please note that falling to the ground, which is often common in the younger age group, does not count as a slide tackle.
A handball by an attacking player will result in a change of possession. A free kick will be given from the spot of the handball.
Foul language or insults will count as a foul and a direct free kick will be given to the other team. If there is a substitute that player must be substituted but may return to the field during the next stoppage of play.
Tripping or otherwise knocking over.
If a player trips another player intentionally or unintentionally a free kick shall be given. Play shall continue if the attacking team still has advantage. If it is clear that the attacking team no longer has the advantage play she’ll be stopped and a free kick shall be given.
If players make contact shoulder to shoulder in a battle for the ball, this is not a foul.  But if a player is perceived to be heavily checking the other player the referee should use their discretion to determine whether a foul should be given.

Penalty Kicks:

There will be a hash mark for the 8-9 division for a penalty kick. It will be located about 15 steps from the goal. The 10-12 and 13-15 division will take penalties from the halfway line.
The opposition cannot obstruct the goal or distract the kicker and must stand behind the penalty taker.
If the player misses and the ball remains on the field the ball is live and both teams can try to get the ball. If the ball misses and goes out of bounds the opposing team begins with a goal kick.

Ending the game:

The game will end at the referees whistle.
Players should say “good game” to one another, but there should be no post game hand shakes.
For the 13-15 age group – These teams are playing a game each week called “Bayside Blitz”. There are three fields. If a team wins they are promoted to the top next field up. If they lose they are relegated (demoted). If a team wins in field 1, they stay at field one until they lose. Referees should take down what teams are on each field at the end of each Tuesday session. Those teams will begin on that same field on Thursdays.